Marketing Intern (m/w/d)

Praktikum/Werkstudium, Vollzeit · Berlin

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About the role
Als Marketing-Praktikant (m/w/d) bei LANCH hast Du die Chance, Deine Marketing-Know-how umfassend zu erweitern. Unser Anspruch ist es, in Sachen Innovation, Kreativität und Leistung stets die Benchmark im Marketing zu sein. Du lernst, Marketingstrategien kanalübergreifend zu entwickeln, ansprechende Inhalte zu erstellen und eine breite Palette von Medienkanälen effektiv zu nutzen. Du unterstützt die Erstellung und Umsetzung von Kommunikationsplänen, initiierst und managst die Medienarbeit, leitest neue Kommunikationsinitiativen und hilfst, das Image unserer Marken aufzubauen.

Ort: Deutschland, Berlin
Startdatum: September

Was Du tun wirst:

  • Unterstützung des Marketingteams bei täglichen administrativen Aufgaben
  • Unterstützung bei der Planung und Durchführung von Marketingkampagnen
  • Verfassen von Texten für Social Media Beiträge und andere Marketingmaterialien
  • Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung von Text-, Video- und Bildinhalten für Marketingkanäle
  • Teilnahme an Marketing Brainstorming Sitzungen
  • Mithilfe bei der Verwaltung der Website und App
  • Messen und Berichten der Ergebnisse von Marketinginitiativen
About you
  • Du sprichst fließend Deutsch und Englisch
  • Du hast ein angewandtes Verständnis von Grundprinzipien des Marketings
  • Du bist vertraut mit den wichtigsten Social Media Plattformen (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.)
  • Du verfügst über exzellente Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
  • Du verfügst über starke Fähigkeiten im Projektmanagement und der Prioritätensetzung
  • Du hast eine Hands-on-Mentalität und bist bereit, die extra Meile zu gehen
Über uns
LANCH is probably the fastest-growing consumer startup in Germany, founded by serial entrepreneurs and backed by Europe's best investors. "Building tomorrow's food brands already today" is our vision, and this in the delivery, franchise, and retail segments. Supported by HV Capital, Felix Capital, and a number of superstar investors such as the people behind FlixBus, Gorillas, Flaschenpost, Glovo, Foodspring, Foodora, HelloFresh, Wolt, as well as the most famous stars of our time like Knossi, Luciano, Mario Götze, André Schürrle, and Trymacs. 

  • We are growing incredibly fast - be ready to learn a lot and take on responsibility
  • An exceptionally good & experienced team. Here you can build your career
  • Fair compensation and shares in LANCH (for permanent employees)
  • 50+ team members after just 1 year & flat hierarchies
  • Team offsites every 16 weeks to come together in person & strengthen our relationships
  • Full autonomy at every level
About the role
Start date: 01.02.2024

Tasks you will take on will include:

  • Content Creation: Assist in creating engaging and persuasive content for various marketing channels, ideate and develop creative content ideas that align with the company's brand and marketing objectives.
  • Social Media Management: Contribute to the planning and execution of social media strategies across platforms, monitor social media channels for trends, engagement, and industry news to enhance our online presence.
  • Market Research: Conduct research to identify industry trends, competitor activities, and emerging opportunities, analyze and report on marketing metrics to measure the success of campaigns and provide insights for future improvements.
  • Campaign Support: Assist in the coordination and execution of marketing campaigns, collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless execution of marketing initiatives.
  • Data Analysis: Utilize analytics tools to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) for marketing campaigns and initiatives, provide recommendations based on data-driven insights to optimize marketing strategies.
About you
  • Currently pursuing a degree in Marketing, Business, Communications, or a related field.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Familiarity with social media platforms and digital marketing trends.
  • Basic understanding of marketing principles and strategies.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Detail-oriented, organised, and able to manage multiple tasks effectively.
  • Are fluent in German and English.
  • Experience in design is a plus
About us
At LANCH, we empower small gastronomy owners by giving them the tools needed to make food delivery fun again. We are building the world’s biggest virtual food court by creating high-quality delivery brands together with the megastars of our generation. LANCH is food delivery built for 2024. Backed by HV Capital, Felix Capital and a bunch of superstar angels such as the founders of FlixBus, Gorillas, Flaschenpost, Glovo, Foodspring, Foodora, Honest Food, Finleap and the most known YouTubers, rap stars and athletes of our time.


  • A steep learning curve with a high career growth trajectory and massive ownership
  • Hybrid working and flexible working hours combined with a fair target salary
  • Offsite team events and regular get-togethers
  • Unique team spirit and flat hierarchies
  • Amazing 40 people team & highly experienced leadership team to learn from
  • Value-centered decision making: fast, transparent, creative and fun
  • Team offsites every 16 weeks to come together in-person & strengthen our relationships
  • Complete ownership on every level

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